Unfortunately Questas Limited does not have the rights to sell Story Maker, and it is not currently available anywhere else. If this situation changes we will provide links on this web site as soon as we have some contact details.
If you are interested in purchasing this product please email storymaker@questaslimited.co.uk to be put on a list so that I can notify you if and when it becomes available.
If you are interested in reselling this product please email spa@questaslimited.co.uk and I will forward your interest to the copyright holder
the best in Educational Software
French with Story Maker
Other Languages
New in Version 2 and 2.1
Demo version
Story Player
System requirements
storymaker COL
French with Story Maker - click for more information

The only software awarded the 2004 National Literacy Association's WOW! award

ks 1 - 3.5 Story Maker is about making active animated speaking and 'sounding' stories - not just static pages that might as well be in a printed book. You can make a story where figures move across the screen; appear and disappear; cause other things to happen; speak to you - you can do almost anything.
Story Maker positively encourages children to write stories for others to read and play with, because making stories is so much fun. And when you've made a story, it can be given away freely to anyone who wants to read it using Story Player - freely downloadable from our web site.

Children aged 5, or even younger, just love stamping pictures and sounds onto their own pages. But there's plenty in Story Maker to captivate children and adults of any age.



Dynamic Linking
Any object can be dynamically linked in various ways to any other. So you can very simply set up a page so that clicking on the teacher (say) causes the door to open with a creak, then he goes out, and chaos breaks out in the room! Its all exceptionally easy to set up - even adults can manage it!

© SPA 2005